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Isn’t it crazy how life has changed in the past couple weeks because of COVID-19?

We've always offered telehealth as well as meeting clients face-to-face. But now with social distancing, our clients are using the telehealth option. They are loving meeting with their dietitian from the comfort of their own home and not having to miss appointments or risk exposure to the coronavirus.

And isn't it "interesting" having the kids at home all the time?! I know I'm hugging them a little tighter and am just glad they are at home and safe. But it comes with challenges!

I don’t know about all of you, but preparing healthy meals and snacks that my kids will actually eat has always been a challenge in our house. Now, with schools called off for the rest of the year, we are now responsible for all the meals, every day. And isn’t it crazy how often they want to be fed?!?

And when they want to eat, my kids are usually asking for not-so-healthy foods. We practice a little give and take around here, but the truth is I’m always thinking about what they eat and if they are building a strong immune system. That’s just part of having a mom who’s a dietitian.

I wanted to help out other parents who are taking on so much right now. I put together some healthier snack and meal ideas that I think you and your kids will like. Click on the links below to download the pdf's.

I hope you and your kids enjoy!

What is Chronic Inflammation?

Inflammation is the result of our White Blood Cells (WBC) fighting an invader in the body. Different things like bacteria, viruses or even food can cause inflammation. Processed foods like burgers, pizza, candy and soda cause inflammation for everyone. But sometimes, even healthy foods can cause inflammation if you have developed food sensitivities. Food sensitivities occur when the gut lining becomes permeable (called leaky gut) and the food particles get across the gut lining before they are completely broken down. This causes the WBC to release a chemical called mediators to try and neutralize the invader. This reaction is what causes inflammation and over time, inflammation causes different types of reactions in the body.

What type of reactions does chronic inflammation cause?

Inflammation is a leading cause of most of the chronic diseases we can get as we age. The standard American diet is unfortunately highly inflammatory. Some diseases are caused, or made worse by inflammation including heart disease, hypertension and cancer. Inflammation also plays a role in autoimmune disorders, causing symptoms such as joint pain, weight gain, brain fog and headaches. It can also result in IBS/IBD, migraines and even skin conditions such as eczema.

What is the Solution?

All food-induced inflammatory reactions involve a mediator release from the WBC’s. The blood test we use measures how much inflammation is created when these mediators are released. It tests 170 different foods and chemicals and tells how much inflammation is created by each individual item. Highly reactive foods will be red, moderately reactive foods yellow and low reactive foods green.

It’s not enough to say just avoid your yellow and red reactive foods. WHY? Because this test looks at 170 different foods and chemicals. But there’s something like 40,000 different foods and chemicals at the grocery store! Just because you eliminate your yellows and reds does not mean that foods you eat that were not tested are non-reactive! That is what our approach addresses.

We create a plan based on only your non-reactive foods. Those would be your lowest reactive green foods. When you eat only non-reactive foods, or foods that don’t release mediators and cause inflammation, your immune system calms down and the gut is allowed to heal. As the gut heals, the lining which was like a screen starts to close in those holes until food can’t get through anymore.

To ensure the gut can heal properly and quickly we test for micronutrient deficiencies. Virtually all metabolic and developmental processes that take place in the body require micronutrients, this includes healing your gut. What makes this test unique is that it measures the functional level and capability of micronutrients in your white blood cells taking a person’s biochemical individuality into account. Armed with this information we can give your body what it needs to repair itself and eliminate your symptoms.

Once your symptoms are eliminated, you introduce one tested food every 24 hours. You eat it once and see if you have any symptoms. If not, it’s a safe food. If you do have symptoms you know that’s not a safe food for you. Once your gut heals and the immune system is calm, symptoms occur quickly so you can evaluate one new food every day. And then we can create a list of safe and unsafe foods from the list of foods we tested. Then you start introducing foods that were not tested. Again, you try 1 food every 24 hours. And we educate you on how to expand your diet safely on your own even after you’ve completed the program.

Typical Results

We typically see a significant reduction in symptoms within 7-10 days. Clients report they feel better on a daily or weekly basis the longer they are on the diet. At 6 weeks, most clients report symptoms are resolved. We continue to work with you throughout the year to measure your progress and transition you into a life-long solution. After this year you have all the tools you need to maintain this on your own, however you still have lifetime access to our community where you can receive as well as give help to others.

Can this program help me?

Once we know which foods are best for your body and which nutrients need to be supplemented, we can get you started on a healing diet. Get your voucher here: to meet with a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist to find out if our program is a good fit for you.

What is a generalized diet?

The latest diet trends: keto, paleo, plant-based...these are generalized diets. They all work for weight loss because they all result in the same thing, creating a calorie deficit. Some people might feel better on one over another, or enjoy one better, but the end game is the same, creating a calorie deficit.

However, when it comes to reducing your symptoms and healing the body, generalized diets just don’t work. We’ve had countless clients come in after being told to follow keto, autoimmune paleo, or FODMAP diets. They come to see us because they are frustrated! The diet that was prescribed to them didn’t help a bit.

Why doesn’t a generalized diet work for reducing your symptoms?

The reason generalized diets don’t work for eliminating your symptoms such as joint pain, IBS, brain fog, eczema and migraines) is that “healthy” foods can become sensitivities in our bodies and our sensitivities are as unique as or fingerprint. These symptoms are caused by inflammation. Until the inflammation has been removed, symptoms will continue and may get worse over time. While following low FODMAP may help one person (if they happen to be eliminating their own food sensitivities), it may have absolutely no effect for most people.

What type of diet does work for eliminating inflammation?

The only diet that works for eliminating symptoms caused by inflammation is a customized, oligoantigenic diet, like the one prescribed in our Lenio program. We don’t guess when it comes to your health. We use a series of tests to understand exactly which foods are problems for you, and more importantly, which foods are going to work best for your unique body makeup. Then we will prescribe the right foods for you. We also discover your micronutrient deficiencies and address those so that you can start healing and feeling better immediately.

Can this program help me?

Once we know which foods are best for your body and which nutrients need to be supplemented, we can get you started on a healing diet. Get your voucher here: to meet with a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist to find out if our program is a good fit for you.

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